
Communication Theory. August 2006 - Vol. 16 Issue 3

Who's Watching Us at Work? Toward a Structural–Perceptual Model of Electronic Monitoring and Surveillance in Organizations. Scott C. D'Urso

Checking the Map: Critiquing Joanne Martin's Metatheory of Organizational Culture and Its Uses in Communication Research. Bryan C. Taylor, Lisa R. Irvin, Stacey M. Wieland

The Perception of Distance in the Cultivation Process: A Theoretical Consideration of the Relationship Between Television Content, Processing Experience, and Perceived Distance. Helena Bilandzic

An Institutional Theory of Organizational Communication. John C. Lammers, Joshua B. Barbour

Toward a Theoretical Model of Communal Coping in Postdivorce Families and Other Naturally Occurring Groups. Tamara D. Afifi, Susan Hutchinson, Stephanie Krouse

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