
Columbia Journalism Review's September/October

UNDOING DARWIN Twice in the last forty years the Supreme Court has upheld the teaching of evolution in our schools. And yet, with the rise of the "intelligent design" movement, here we go again. Chris Mooney and Matthew Nisbet demonstrate that the way the press is covering this newest wrinkle allows evolution's enemies to frame the story their way - as a contest between scientific theories, rather than simply the latest and most sophisticated religious challenge to an overwhelming scientific consensus. http://www.cjr.org/issues/2005/5/mooney.asp

DISENGAGED Gal Beckerman provides a psychological portrait of an Israeli press that, at a critical historical moment, simply stopped asking questions. http://www.cjr.org/issues/2005/5/beckerman.asp

UNFINISHED WARS In his new book on Iraq, The Assassins' Gate, George Packer targets idealists of all stripes and his most persistent foe - himself. http://www.cjr.org/issues/2005/5/glenn.asp


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